Many of us are aware of the detrimental impact of online shopping, yet who hasn’t filled a virtual shopping cart just out of boredom these last months?
The successive lockdowns and traffic restrictions leave us little choice, ultimately. And we have to admit that online shopping does have some advantages: you can take your time, compare brands and models, make better-informed choices. But it is also true that online commerce promotes overconsumption: “stores” open 24/7, newsletters popping at any time of the day or night, etc. One thing leads to the other, and here you are, on the verge of ordering a box of cat-faced paper clips at 1 a.m. on a Tuesday night, paper clips that will probably be packed in a box that could have contained a whole family of cats — plus a bag of biscuits.
For small brands like ours, selling online is often the only way to exist these days. Although we are distributed in ethical stores (often as small as we are), the bulk of our sales is made online, whether on our site or on the sites of drop-shipping retailers.
The GURU in its great mercy has decided to give you 5 tips for a successful online shopping session:
🎀 Reduce your exposure to advertising and be wary of promos → Here we go! 2021 challenge: unsubscribe from every newsletter we could do without. Data security extra advice: install ad blockers for your browsers, as online advertising is (almost always) targeted. This way, you're less likely to be tempted to buy things you don't need.
🕵️♀️ Do some research about the product so you don’t to have to send it back → You can start by carefully reading the composition and size guides for clothes and shoes, and by checking the products’ dimensions before ordering!
📝 Anticipate, group your purchases and be patient → The benefit is twofold: no need to stress waiting for an item you absolutely need the following day, and no more unpleasant surprises as to the size of the package. There are many multi-brand ethical fashion websites in which you will surely find everything you need to dress from head to toe!
📦 Choose drop-off delivery, or try toto be at home when the delivery person passes by → Contrary to what one might think, drop-off points are a very practical option, and their number is constantly growing. You might as well make the most of it and go pick up your package on foot or by bike! If you have to get there by car, why not pick a drop-off point located on the route to work, or near your regular supermarket?
As you can see, there are ways to buy local and support small businesses while we wait for the world’s Zaras and H&Ms to be replaced by ethical and eco-friendly multi-brand shops! For those who live in medium and small towns, these options are also a way to have access to not readily available fair trade products.
And if you ever need a new pair of shoes…
You know where to find us!