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A few tips for a responsible purchase

Because even even if you're extra careful, our favourite shoes end up getting damaged

Last year, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe, in French) questioned 21 French households about the objects they owned. The goal was to better understand the dynamics of product accumulation inside our houses, but also to help them get rid of what they weren’t using. It came out that they considerably underestimate the number of objects they own. Our closets are literally brimming with shoes: from 11 to 84 pairs for women and from 9 to 32 for men. As a result, in addition to raising awareness, they managed to free up 60% of the families’ wardrobes! The good news is that you can do the same. Sort and donate!

If you’re still in need of a pair of shoes, let the GURU share with you its expert eye in the field.

It’s increasingly easy to give a second life to objects

First of all, take advantage of those who’ve been clearing out lately and try buying second hand! Nowadays, there are plenty of dedicated websites and apps for you, such as Depop or Vinted. If you are reluctant to order online, charity shops like Oxfam, as well as all the networks specialising in the circular economy, such as reuse centres, which clean and repair clothes and shoes collected during campaigns. Finally, thrift stores are blooming (again) in our neighbourhoods! From luxury to sportswear, to major brands shoes – you will even find second-hand shops selling their gems online.

If you’d rather buy new, here are some pointers

• Check the origin: choose brands whose products are made in Europe. This ensures that the workers who make your shoes are paid correctly and work in a safe environment.

• Look into the materials: we prefer vegan materials, but you already know that! In any case, you can compare the compositions and prefer organic cotton to traditional one, lyocell to polyester, PU to PVC, a recycled material rather than a brand new one.

• Do some research on the brand: if they have nothing to hide, you’ll find plenty of info on their website. The margin they apply, the working conditions under which the shoes are produced, whether it belongs to a large group or if it’s an individual creator or a small business.

• Become familiar with the certification labels: they guarantee ethical and fair trade products. For worldwide manufacturing, the Fair Wear Foundation and Fairtrade International labels, as well as the WFTO standard, fight to defend workers' rights. The Global Organics Textile Standard (GOTS) label combines environmental compliance and social criterias, from the raw material to the processing stages of the production. The OEko-Tex Standard 100 label guarantees the safety of textiles. Finally, the PETA-approved or Vegan Society labels guarantee, among other things, shoes free from components of animal origin.

To help you see more clearly and above all to guide you, there are many websites listing the brands you can count on, including Hey Lila’s one, who’s created her own Ethical Fashion Guide.

It’s actually nice to think that, from here on out, we’ll consider the environment, as well as the sturdiness and the lifespan of the products we buy. And before buying, whether new or used, one last piece of advice. We recommend that you use the French BISOU method (bisou means kiss!): Besoin: Need, Immédiateté: Immediacy, Semblable: Similar, Origine: Origin, Utilité: Usefulness, before buying.

If you too need a pair of shoes, visit our online store, maybe one of our pairs will catch your eye!

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